Mobile Search
60% of all searches are performed on mobile devices. If your mobile website is not mobile you are likely losing customers and revenue.
Mobile First
Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly and your site loads at optimal speed will help you outperform your competition and grow your business.
We make being found online easy.
Usability Analysis
The first step to having a mobile friendly website is ensuring the way the website looks, functions, and acts in accordance with what the users expects.
Site Speed Analysis
Nothing is more frustrating than a website loading slowly on a mobile site. Making sure your website loads quickly ensure a positive user experience and improved rankings.
Mobile Design
Most web designers design for Desktop first and then make adjustments to make the site work on mobile. Our Approach is ensuring the mobile experience is exceptional every step of the way.
Mobile SEO Strategy
Users behave differently on a mobile device than they do on a desktop. This also means users search different. We make sure these differences are accounted for and applied to your SEO strategy so that your website will convert on mobile.
Mobile Targeting
Internet searchers near you are more likely to find you. We target and leverage the customer base in your proximity.
Click to Call & Conversions
50% of consumers take an action with the searches performed on their mobile devices. We make sure your site is optimized for mobile conversions so you can grow your business on any device your customer is on
Ways to work with us
Submit your site
Provide us your website URL and any other information you feel we need.
We’ll Audit your site
Using various tools we review site for errors, problems, and opportunities
Review Audit
Schedule a time to review our findings and answer any questions you may have.
Start SEO
We’ll implement the recommendations in the audit and help you be found.
Clients SEO Case Studies
How A Local Law Firm Overcomes Their Competitive Market
Oakmont Law’s biggest hurdle was how competitive their market is. They couldn’t go for all the same search terms as the big firms but still needed to find keywords that were relevant, had quality intent, and search volume.
Be Found discovered & optimized Oakmont’s site for keywords that had search volume and were targeted to the Denver Metro Area.
Creating A Constant Lead Source to Grow their Business
Max Security needed a consistent lead source that would help grow their business. They were tired of paying for leads and wanted to grow the organic way.
Be Found implemented an SEO strategy around link building and content production that would help them increase local rankings organically.
How To Produce Leads for A Locksmith
American Security Locksmith was frustrated that its website was not producing leads. Without a page built out for every service they provided, it was tough to get the desired results.
Our strategy was simple, clean up all the errors on his website and build out a page for every keyword that made sense for him to rank for.
Awards & Recognition